Category Archives: Reflection

Maurice Sendak’s Really Rosie

Check out the Google Doodle for today (Monday, June 10 2013) and if it doesn’t make you smile, you can feel free to stop reading because you won’t get it.

20130610-231826.jpg Today would have been the 85th birthday of Maurice Sendak. Maurice and I go way back.
Before I knew of Where The Wild Things Are, there was Really Rosie.
An animated special that debuted in my birth month & year. Coincidence? I think not.

20130610-231754.jpg Although it would be years later in reruns that I would first see it, it was always a highlight. I can only assume that I first saw it around the time of it’s off-Broadway debut in 1980, but I’d only be 5 years old so it must have been later. I couldn’t have remembered from seeing it at age 5?
The music and vocals of Carole King + lyrics from Sendak = classic and original. Something not seen on TV much today, except maybe for Joan on Mad Men 😉
Years later I would be nicknamed Lil Rosie by a friend for my sassy, opinionated personality. Rosie was for Roseanne Arnold or Rosie O’Donnell, not sure or even think it fit then or now, but I was Rosie to her. I don’t think I ever made a connection with my childhood “friend” Rosie.

20130610-231810.jpg Anyway, this year seems to be a good year to re-air this so I think I will contact CBS or someone.
Lou Adler, one of the producers of the Really Rosie soundtrack (and sooooo many other wonderful artists/albums) was inducted into The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame this year. Just last month, Carole King became the first woman honored with the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song, an award given by the Library of Congress.

Not to get philosophical about something so trivial compared to the big bad world, but sometimes it’s little things like this that catch our attention. The universe gives you clues about what to do or sends you signs. If it hasn’t been for the Google Doodle today for Maurice Sendak, I might not have fondly strolled down memory line with Really Rosie and put all this together. Fate or timing or because I’m so analytical. Or maybe just because I was procrastinating and had time for my mind to wander. Pretty sure I have ADD.

Google Doodle archive

Wikipedia “Really Rosie”

Carole King’s Gershwin Prize Awarded By President Barack Obama. Huffington Post. Darlene Superville. May 22, 2013

Carole King picture from:

Amelia Earhart, Research and Writing

On this day in 1932, Amelia Earhart took off from Newfoundland to begin the world’s first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean by a female pilot. She landed in Ireland the next day.
In 1920 she had a 10 minute flight that changed her life and started her in the course to make history. What if she had not taken that flight? She might have still been into photography or medicine, and probably would have been an innovator in whatever field she chose. But, 10 minutes in a plane was all it took.

In 1927, five years to the day before her flight, Charles Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Field in Long Island, New York at 07:52, on the world’s first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He touched down in Paris at 22:22 the next day.

Was it planned that she fly on May 20? I can speculate based on what I’ve seen so far, but as anyone who knows me well would know – I hate speculation. So, I will look into that. I remember none of this from history classes but then again, I don’t recall much about any women’s history in high school or college. I think I will look for some classes to take this summer or fall.

I had no idea she was such a marketer, having many sponsorships and campaigns with a variety of companies, including luggage and clothing. She seems to have been a savvy businesswoman and recognized how to use her celebrity status for causes or as a spokeswoman, in a positive way. Unlike most celebs today. But, that’s another post……..

For now, I’m just thoroughly intrigued by what little I’ve uncovered so far. It reminds me of my favorite part of school when I was younger, not so much recently, but I always enjoyed researching and writing various papers. Spending hours in the library, pouring over books, endless index cards, drafts and rewrites. In a way I think that is what attracts me to blogging and why I hope to do more writing and research and maybe turn this into a new career.

I know the stories of people who start a blog and then end up working on it full time and making a business out of it. I’m not there yet and not delusional enough to think that is where I’m headed. I just like finding things that interest me, exploring and sharing my thoughts.

That is what I like about so many of the other blogs I’ve discovered so far. So, if you read all the way through this – thank you.

Amelia had a 10 minute flight that peaked her lifelong interest in aviation. She was determined to fly and she did.
I love stories of strong women.

Aha! Maybe I will do a series on various women in history, not just the typical history book stuff, but more current and local women.

Hmmm…..stay tuned.

The Stella & Dot Foundation

Someone asked me about the red Stella & Dot Foundation bracelet at my trunk show Saturday and I totally spaced! I should know more about my biz! Especially since this aligns so well with The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio that I volunteer for.
So, here for all to see, I am sharing a bit of what I learned. Hope to learn more when I go to the Stella & Dot conference in July!

The Stella & Dot Foundation is committed to empowering women and children through economic and educational development. Purchase a Stella & Dot Foundation bracelet or charm and 100% of the net proceeds will go to our partner charities.
Visit for more information and to order!

Sleeping Through Cinco de Mayo

We did not celebrate last night as we usually do for Cinco de Mayo. But I felt like we did today. No motivation at all. I haven’t had much quality sleep the past few days and yesterday I laid down for a disco nap before going to our friends annual Cinco de Mayo party – woke up 4 hours later and not in a party mood.

So, after missing the event I’ve looked forward to for months, my goal this week is to get back on a normal sleep schedule. Since I’ve been unemployed, I’ve stayed up too late, gotten up too early. So I made a daily schedule, I start tomorrow. Maybe a little change at a time….I’d still like to sleep in 😉

“Mark Rothko: The Decisive Decade” at the Columbus Museum of Art

“Shapes are organisms with volition and a passion for self-assertion. They move with internal freedom, and without the need to conform with or violate what is probable in the familiar world“. – Mark Rothko

Recently I visited the Columbus Museum of Art to see the exhibit "Mark Rothko: The Decisive Decade". To be completely honest, I have known and loved Rothko for years, but did not know the focus of the exhibit. In hindsight, although it was a small exhibit, it is now one of my top 5 ever, and that is saying something because I love museums and go to one in every city I visit.
As my husband and sister would tell you, I initially said I felt disappointed that there weren't more of the works I was familiar with – the ones most people seem to think are just overly minimal, blobs of color, etc. I have a print of his I love, it's red and purple (two of my favorite colors together, like PB&J to me).
But, there were a few paintings that stuck with me and the quote featured above from the exhibit that I had to go back and write down because it just spoke to me in a way I cannot explain.
I think what I loved about the exhibit was how you really could see an artist evolving, taking out the noise and really focusing ultimately on the core of his philosophy:
"I'm interested only in expressing human emotions—tragedy, ecstasy, doom. And if you, as you say, are moved only by their color relationship, then you miss the point."

I'm not an art critic or have the audacity to analyze any further, but I found a wonderful piece on the exhibit that more eloquently and intelligently describes what I am unable to express.


My favorite from my visit to SFMOMA and apparently the favorite of most of their visitors:

SFMOMA Fun Fact about No. 14, 1960
“Fun fact: Rothko’s No. 14, 1960 is absolutely THE most photographed piece in our permanent collection. In this screen shot of a Google image search for “SFMOMA + Rothko,” it’s interesting to see how the orange and blue hues vary from image to image.”

No. 14, 1960



It’s technically my birthday but…..

I’m new to the blog world and have not been consistent, is that a cardinal sin in the blogosphere?
Anyway, let me catch you up and unload.

Today is technically my birthday, but for multiple reasons, I’m postponing it until this weekend. Too much to deal with right now. Can’t focus on fun when my brain is overloaded.
Plus, my sister from another mister is coming to town Friday so it just makes sense.

This week I got a new job as a Business Analysis Consultant after only seriously looking for 2 weeks and I’m really excited about it. And no, I did not just take the first thing that came along.
I feel really good about this. But, man it was exhausting interview and trying to masquerade as a normal person. It’s tough being nice and talking about yourself and proving yourself over and over. Finally, the clouds parted and my decision was clear. I haven’t felt this confident about a decision since I told my first husband I wanted a divorce. Peace at last.

I’ve also decided not to put all my career eggs in one basket but start to diversify. The person I report to at my current job has done so many different things in his life and has so much courage and confidence to try new things, without being a job hopper.

I’ve invested a bit of money to start as a “Stylist” for Stella & Dot jewelry, to do something fun and use the right side of my brain.
So, please check my blog for a link to order or contact me for a party.
They have such cool stuff. Can’t wait to book my first show.

I’m looking into options for learning web design and do independent work as a virtual assistant or via a flex job I can do on the side to gain experience as a business analyst in other industries and as prep for my future goal of having my own business some day.

So, things have moved super fast and I’m surprisingly ok with this rapid change and quick decisions.

A month ago I was absolutely miserable with my job. That’s a whole other story, for another time.
But, when I hit rock bottom, I said, something’s gotta change. My husband is so supportive and wise. So, without having a firm job offer, I gave my notice and I’m surviving the last few days of my sentence and trying to hold my tongue till Friday when I plan on burning a bridge and telling a certain person what I think if him.
I know, I know. I shouldn’t and I probably won’t but if I told you the story, you’d probably cheer me on.

I’ll save that for tomorrow.

In the meantime, I can go to sleep tonight on my technical birthday, knowing that I’m in a better place than this time last year. Making progress on project Heather.

Love, luck and lollipops!

History lesson in honor of MLK week: Interracial marriage in the United States

As half of an interracial couple getting ready to celebrate 10 years of marriage the end of the month, this time of year always makes me reflect on how much people sacrificed that allowed me the freedoms I have today. Only a few decades ago, I couldn’t have married my husband simply because of the ignorance of some bullies and the misplaced hatred that infected our country and government.
Still happens today with women’s rights, gay rights. That’s why we need to stand up and fight not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.

Interracial marriage in the United States has been fully legal in all U.S. states since the 1967 Supreme Court decision that deemed anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional, with many states choosing to legalize interracial marriage at much earlier dates. The United States has many ethnic and racial groups and interracial marriage is fairly common among most of them. Multiracial Americans numbered 7 percent of married couples, up from 2 percent in 1970.[12][13]

A Sense of Accomplishment

I stopped making official New Year’s resolutions years ago. After for the umpteenth time I hadn’t quit smoking, hadn’t lost weight, hadn’t traveled more, worked less, meditated……
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, then call me crazy. I know now I wasn’t putting my heart into it. So, eventually, I just made little notes to myself in my brain like, “I should do this or that”, but then I say “nah, not gonna happen so why bother getting started”.
As you can tell from the article I posted yesterday about “Perfectionists and Procrastination”, I should have been their case study.
In personal life, especially with home improvement projects or self-improvement projects, I over analyze and over think things. I try to visualize and set steps on the path to success, but if I don’t see it as being possible or I get discouraged or overwhelmed or my ADD kicks it and I’ve moved on, then I shift into neutral and lose my focus.
I hate feeling like I can’t get anything done because there is too much to do and I get overwhelmed. Arrghh.
So, imagine my surprise when this year, with my trusty iPhone and bizillion apps, I have managed to make a couple minor promises to myself (not to anyone else in case I failed though) and so far, drum roll………I am killing my to do list!!!
A little sense of accomplishment and now I have some momentum. I am now not overwhelmed by all there is to do, but just tackling a bit every day, one day at a time.
I will keep you updated and share some handy apps and tools I am using. I am now accountable by sharing this with the world, so no pressure ;-).
But, still not yet ready to share my actual resolutions with the world….baby steps.

Limitless by Choice

My personal journey into choice, freedom, and power.

The Obstinate Life

Don't be a Dumb Cunt.

The Nourishing Gourmet has moved

I'm a Pitta. Full of fire. Coincidence my fav color has always been red?

Wonderful Cinema

Short reviews on high quality films. No spoilers.